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Subrahmanya Shasti On 29th November 2022 | Skanda Shasti | Subbarayudi S...

Stay Young and Healthy

How to Stay Young and Healthy Cleaning the face: One should wash face 5-6 times a day. This helps in cleaning of the dirt accumulated on the face and gives freshness. Protecting eyesight: Fill your mouth with water, close the eyes and sprinkle water on them about 10-15 times. Gently rub the eyelids and give a tender massage to the eye balls. Staying up late in the night and sleeping after sunrise is harmful for the eyes. Drinking a glass of water: After this one should take a glass of water. This helps in the smooth passing of stool and urine. Make it a regular habit to drink 10-12 glass of water everyday. Warm water is especially good for regulating elimination and cleansing toxins from the physiology. Cleaning teeth: The twig of neem or babool should be used for cleaning the teeths. Scraping the tongue: Tongue should be scraped regularly otherwise it gives rise to foul smells. Scrapets made of copper, steel or plastic can be used. Gargling: Til oil gargling

Back pain

Back pain Most people have low back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is responsible for many lost workdays each year. Most acute back pain will go away by itself in a few days or weeks. Back pain or injury can occur to anyone. It can be caused by stress on the muscles and ligaments that support the back. Jobs that require a lot of sitting or a lot of standing may contribute to back pain. Being overweight puts extra pressure on the back. Strenuous sports like football can injure the back. The pain can be a mild discomfort that is just a mild ache in the lower back to severe pain that keeps the person from doing anything. Severe pain does not indicate a more serious cause of the pain. Often, very little needs to be done for back pain to make it better. Many times it will go away without any treatment. Bed rest is not suggested any more, as staying in bed can make the back muscles weaker. If the pain is severe, no more than 1 to 2 days of rest may help. Sometimes, a


WHAT IS ASTHMA?           Asthma is a respiratory disorder, where the patient suffers form breathing difficulty. The intensity of asthma could vary form mild to severe. If neglected, the attack could prove to be fatal.           Asthma occurs due to the abnormal contraction of bronchial tubes. [Which connect the wind pipe (trachea) to the lungs]. This results in insufficient supply of air and oxygen to the lungs, leading to wheezing & Breathlessness. WHAT CAUSES ASTHMA?           It could be a natural cause, inherited by parents or an unnatural one, caused due to exposure to allergens like smoke, vehicular and industrial emission, dust, pollen etc. accordingly asthma is classified into Bronchial and Allergic Asthma. However in chronic cases of asthma, lack of oxygen supply to the heart can damage cardiac muscles, known as myo-cardiac infarction, leading to heart attacks. This type is known as Cardiac Asthma. AYURVEDIC INTERPRETATION           According to Ayurveda


WHAT IS RHEUMAITSM? In brief, Rheumatism is described as inflammation of joints, resulting in their swelling and triggering an excruciating pain. Stiffness sets in these joints, leaving them useless. This joint disorder is called Rheumatoid arthritis WHAT CAUSES RHEUMATISM? Generally, it is an age related problem. The marrow contained inside th3e bones, lubricates the joints, facilitating their smooth movements. With ageing, this bone marrow start5s drying up, thus causing friction in the joints. This causes inflammation and pain in the joints. In an obese body, the weight bearing joints even wear out. This causes their swelling and stiffness, ultimately crippling the patient’s movements. AYURVEDIC INTERPRETATION Accumulated ‘Vata’ [air], blocks the wind carrying channels with the gathered ‘Ama’ or ‘Pitta’ or ‘Kapha’, causing Vata derangement [Margavarodha]. The vata is termed as ‘obstructive vata’. This obstructive vata, with the other toxins like Ama, Pitta or Kapha, accumula

Combat Sweating Articles

ANXIETY AND SWEATING ADVICE Sweating of any kind can have a detrimental effect on a person's moral, and this can be especially true of anxiety sweating . It is true that most any type of excessive sweating can be harmful... ARMPIT SWEATING A person who sweats excessively knows that sweating need not be limited to armpit sweating alone. You can sweat in other places on your body such as the genital area, around the toes of your feet... BEST ANTIPERSPIRANT DEODORANT Everybody sweats. There's no two words about that. However, the goal of most people these days seems to be either to avoid that smelly, sticky and potentially embarrassing state of affairs and stop... CRYSTAL DEODORANT If you're looking for a good alternative that is also natural, to replace your normal deodorants, you might want to take a look at a crystal deodorant rock. These all-natural deodorants are perfect... DEGREE DEODORANT There are many ways that people can try to preven